A world of difference. Set amongst newly revitalized Lower Manhattan this CQ location offers stunning views of One World Trade Center - with its recently opened observation deck - and the reflecting pools of the National September 11th Memorial. From the soaring wings of the Oculus shopping center to the fresh new eateries around Tribeca and Battery Park you will find everything you need to achieve your work goals and out-of-the-office fix.
A world of difference. Set amongst newly revitalized Lower Manhattan this CQ location offers stunning views of One World Trade Center - with its recently opened observation deck - and the reflecting pools of the National September 11th Memorial. From the soaring wings of the Oculus shopping center to the fresh new eateries around Tribeca and Battery Park you will find everything you need to achieve your work goals and out-of-the-office fix.

Most hotels give you a roof over your head and call it a night. We like to make your stay feel a little more like home. You get

Free 1GB WiFi.
Your phone is your key. Mind. Blown. Check in and get a mobile room key with the CQ Hotels App
Activate binge mode. Stream your own content onto your room Smart TV
Loaner iPads so you can pack lighter
Snack time all the time. Socialize in our Club Living Room with free snacks and refreshments
Grab yourself a glass of vino each night during Wine at 5 in the Club Living Room
Onsite restaurant
Multi menu in room dining options
Refrigerator and microwave available upon request
Meeting and event rooms available
Hydrate your hustle with unlimited chilled bottled water at our H2O To Go stations
CQ Fit stocked with cardio equipment and free weights including a Peloton bike.
Each room has a yoga mat and resistance bands so your workout does not have to go on vacation
CQ Guest Closets on each floor contain extra amenities.
Self service laundry and traditional valet service
Government per diem rates 365 day a year with valid ID

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  • Trading since 1948
  • ABTA & ATOL protected
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