Belver Beta Porto Hotel in Porto has 126 rooms, spread over 7 floors. To make your stay more comfortable a reception, a lobby, a conference room, a lounge and an elevator are available.
The staff in this 7 storey hotel speaks English. For guests who wish to be mobile, car rental can be arranged. The hotel is within easy reach of bus stops and city centre.
For your entertainment the hotel features a TV lounge. Vehicles may be parked in the garage and the parking lot.
For convenience the following services are offered: medical care, maid service, concierge, room service, wake-up service, a safe and laundry service. Internet access is provided at wifi-hotspots. The hotel offers a conference room where the following are featured: catering service and internet access. Reception hours: 24h Service.
Meals: Breakfast is provided in the following variations: Continental, Buffet. Guests are welcome to enjoy their meals at the restaurant. Sport and Leisure: At Belver Beta Porto Hotel recreational amenities include a sauna, a whirlpool and a Turkish bath. Guests who wish to be active on holiday can enjoy activities such as exercise in the fitness room.